4th Grade Newsletter

February 21, 2022

By 4th Grade Team
4th Grade
February 21, 2022

Language Arts

What are we learning?

  • Understand that well-crafted, persuasive writing influences the reader’s thinking, feeling, or action.
  • Write so that they see in democratic society people have the right to voice opinions and persuasive writing is an effective tool to impact the thinking of others.
  • Understand that exploring how words work enables readers to decode and comprehend the author’s message.
  • Understand that a strong vocabulary empowers writers to communicate more precisely and readers to comprehend more fully.

Home/School Connection

  • Students should use their words to communicate when they want to persuade you to make a choice different from what they want. They should find compromise and self-control when they ask. 
  • Encourage words that are not their typical words, they can look up more powerful synonyms to use in place of “nice” or Good”.


What are we learning?

  • Estimate and solve 2-digit x 2-digit multiplication problems
  • Estimate and solve 1-digit x 3-digit division problems
  • Identify and extend patterns
  • Recognize equality
  • Add and subtract fractions with the same denominator
  • Identify equivalent improper and mixed number fractions

Home/School Connection

  • Solve real worlds multiplication and division problems
  • Discuss real world patterns
  • Examine fractions in real life situations such as with quantities (toys, snacks, etc.) or linear examples (driving distance, etc.)


What are we learning?

  • Look at our ocean geographical features and their impact on ocean depth
  • Investigate physical properties and movement of ocean water
  • Discover that the ocean’s salinity increases with depth
  • Model the depth of the ocean as it varies, and the oceans have no defined

Home/School Connection

  • Mix different amounts of salt in water, with different colors, to see which is heaviest
  • Look at Google Earth pictures of the Earth with the oceans drained

Social Studies

What are we learning?

  • Explore the connections between liberty and slavery in the ideas and lives of George Washington, James Madison, Thomas Jefferson, and George Mason 
  • Explore the influence of geography and the migration of Virginians into other states and western territories and how it impacted different cultures

Home/School Connection

  • Visit the homes of our founding fathers here in VA. 
  • Look at the path that Lewis & Clark traveled after the Louisiana Purchase

Click here to see what students are learning in Specials!