2024-2025 School Innovation and Improvement Plan

Outcome goals for this academic school year

Reading by 3rd Grade


  • The percentage of Hispanic students passing the third grade Reading SOL will increase by 5 percentage points, from 38% to 43%, from spring 2024 to spring 2025. 
  • By Spring 2025, the percentage of students in grades K-3 meeting or exceeding benchmark will increase by 5 percentage points as measured by the VALLSS screener. 


  • Improve integrity of implementation of new core curriculum, English Language Development program, and/or intervention programs by using FCPS-adopted resources with fidelity.
  • Improve daily, systematic, explicit instruction in phonological awareness, phonics, and morphology by using the new core curriculum.
  • Increase opportunities for English Language Development through use of embedded strategies during whole group instruction and intentional small group instruction focused on specific student needs.          

Elementary School Math


  • By the end of the 2024-25 school year, the percentage of multilingual students passing the Grade 3-6 Mathematics SOL will increase from 43% to at least 60%. 
  • By the end of 2024-25 school year, the percentage of students passing the Grades 3-6 Mathematics SOL will increase from 71% to 80%.                            


  • Increase formal collaboration between classroom teachers and ESOL teachers to develop the language of mathematics through the use of embedded strategies during whole group and small group instruction.
  • Increase teachers' content knowledge and implementation of the 2023 FCPS mathematics program of studies.
  • Improve teachers’ implementation of Framework for Engaging & Student-Centered Mathematics Instruction.

Socio-Emotional Learning & Wellness


  • By June 2025, the percent favorable on the Emotion Regulation topic on the SEL Screener will increase by 3 percentage points;
    • Grades 3-5:  from 48% in Spring 2024 to 51% in Spring 2025
    • Grade 6:  From 43% in Spring 2024 to 46% in Spring 2025.                                                  


  • Identified time in the master schedule is used to implement required SEL practices with fidelity to improve student perceptions of belonging and SEL skills. (MM & CC- ES or RAM- MS/HS, 3 Signature Practices- All).
  • There is dedicated time during the school day to develop and utilize SEL competencies and mental health protective factors, beyond the required practices (e.g. SEL curriculum).
  • Instructional materials and SEL practices are informed by student voice and provide a diverse representation of identities.