Specialists Newsletter
May 2, 2022
In Mr. Andert’s Classes:
- Kindergarten is working on our final unit, “Putting it All Together.” Students are learning several songs about RAIN, and are creating their own movements, learning xylophone accompaniments, creating class rhythms, and more! We will be putting together a final Zoom performance of these pieces in early June.
- 1st Grade is working on their final unit, “Putting it All Together.” They are putting together a short performance piece based on the book “Planting a Rainbow” by Lois Elhert. Students are learning to sing the song, creating gardening and growing movements, learning a xylophone accompaniment, improvising a melody using a class-created rhythm on the pentatonic scale, and using classroom instruments to represent the things a seed needs to grow. We will be putting together a final Zoom performance of these pieces in a few weeks.
- 2nd Grade is working very hard on their final unit, “Putting It All Together.” These classes are putting together a play based on the book “Where the Wild Things Are.” Students are using songs learned throughout 2nd grade to bring this story to life. They will all be singing, moving, playing instruments and acting. We will be putting together a final Zoom performance of these pieces in early June, and plan to use the cafeteria stage.
- 3rd graders are working on their recorder unit. By the end of next week, students will have performed two songs, and will be allowed to bring their instruments home. I will be sending home a parent letter at that time with important information.
- 4th and 5th graders are doing a unit on recorders this spring. Since we missed lots of recorder playing due to the pandemic, students are learning how to make a good recorder sound, and playing a few simple songs.
In LTC Students will continue working on their second and last part of their LTC project in Spanish: Projects are due FRIDAY, MAY 27, 2022
2 ANIMALS ON THE MOVE WITH MONARCH: learning about CAMOUFLAGE related to their own animal project.
4 METEOROLOGIST DREAM: Students will be learning about clothing, colors and sentence structure in Spanish: What you are wearing in your country project.
3 Plants and soils: Students will be learning basic Spanish sentences that show them the process of planting. Students will be planting outdoors.
5 Animals in ocean: Students will work on different zones found in the ocean as well as their characteristics using basic structure.
6 Eco friendly school: Students will be practicing about what eco friendly ideas will be considered in their final project. Long sentence structure and connectors will be the focus.
Most students have been working with their ELECTRONIC NOTEBOOKS reviewing and applying what we have worked so far in each project.
The Fish Bowl- Kindergarten, 1st & 2nd grades
- Kindergarten students compared Goliath Frogs to American Bullfrogs and used frog length to practice predicting and finding actual measurements.
- 1st graders listened to How I Learned Geography and illustrated what they were visualizing. They also learned how tangrams have been used in Japanese storytelling and students created their own animals using tangrams.
2nd graders continued their Socratic Seminar preparation by constructing open ended questions to guide their discussion. They also identified key vocabulary words from Amazing Grace, the story their discussion will be based on.