Specialists Newsletter
May 16, 2022
In Mr. Andert’s Classes:
- Kindergarten continues working on their final unit, “Putting it All Together.” Students are learning several songs about RAIN, and are creating their own movements, learning xylophone accompaniments, creating class rhythms, and more! We will be putting together a final Zoom performance of these pieces in early June. You will receive an email announcement with a link.
- 1st Grade continues to work on their final unit, “Putting it All Together.” They are putting together a short performance piece based on the book “Planting a Rainbow” by Lois Elhert. Students are learning to sing a song, creating gardening and growing movements, learning a xylophone accompaniment, improvising a melody using a class-created rhythm on the pentatonic scale, and using classroom instruments to represent the things a seed needs to grow. We will be putting together a final Zoom performance of this piece in a few weeks. You will receive an email announcement with a link.
- 2nd Grade continues to work on their final unit, “Putting It All Together.” These classes are putting together a play based on the book “Where the Wild Things Are.” Students are using songs learned throughout 2nd grade to bring this story to life. They will all be singing, moving, playing instruments and acting. We will be putting together a final Zoom performance of these pieces in early June, and plan to use the cafeteria stage.You will receive an email announcement with a link when we are ready to perform!
- 3rd graders continue to work on their recorder unit. They are sounding great! They can perform two short songs with a good recorder tone. Students will be allowed to bring them home this weekend. I will be sending home a parent letter as well with important information.
- 4th and 5th graders are doing a unit on recorders this spring. Since we missed lots of recorder playing due to the pandemic, students are learning how to make a good recorder sound, and playing a few simple songs. 5th grade started a new song called “Toasted” last week. We will be working on that the next few weeks and adding other instruments like xylophones and drums.
In LTC Students will be working on their last part of their LTC projects in Spanish: Projects are due FRIDAY, MAY 27, 2022 STUDENTS PRESENT THEIR PROJECTS.
2 ANIMALS ON THE MOVE WITH MONARCH: wrap up our camouflage unit. PRESENT P.
4 METEOROLOGIST DREAM: Students will be learning about sports that can be practiced based on weather and seasons. PRESENT P.
3 Plants and soils: Students will be working on the different uses of plants in our daily life. Planting and working on our LAPBOOKS. PRESENT P.
5 Animals in ocean: Students will work on different types of food that our ocean animals have in their daily lives. PRESENT P.
6 Eco friendly school: Students will be learning and reviewing some of the R’s concepts in helping our environment and will be adding their last portion to their projects: Why their schools are the best for the world. PRESENT P.
Students have been working with their ELECTRONIC NOTEBOOKS or LAPBOOKS reviewing and applying what we have learned so far in Spanish LTC classes. Projects will be presented during these 2 weeks. FRIDAY, MAY 27 IS THE DUE DATE FOR ALL PROJECTS.
K and 1st continue with Kimochis and the other grades focus is on Healthy Friendships.
The Fish Bowl- Kindergarten, 1st & 2nd grades
- Kindergarten finished up their M2 unit by calculating the volume of different size boxes. This week they are identifying mystery objects and drawing conclusions based on touch.
- 1st graders explored atlases and completed their maps incorporating 5 essential map features, compass rose, cardinal directions, key/legend, symbols, and a title.
After reading Jack Prelutsky’s book of poems, Scranimals, 2nd graders created their own original Scranimals combining animals and food. They drew their new creations and wrote about their habitat, prey, predators, and adaptations. Some of the new species include the cheeango (cheetah and mango), dogato (dog and potato), and the elusive catermelon (cat and watermelon).