Specialists Newsletter

October6, 2020

By Specialists Team
October 06, 2020


K-2: Students are learning about warm and cool colors, and elements of composition as they create autumn artwork.

3-6: Students are working on contour drawings, shading, and designing mythical creatures. 


K-2: In music, we are in our second week of a unit called “We Got the Beat.” Students have been identifying/reviewing rhythms and differentiating between beat and rhythm. We have also been exploring songs with movement, as well as setting up routines and procedures. Next week will be our last week of this unit with more rhythm exploration.

3 – 6: In music, we are in our second week of a unit called “We Got the Beat.” Students have been reviewing rhythms and putting them together to make their own patterns. Next week we will finish up the unit and record a performance of student-created rhythms.


Mrs. Dueno has been visiting K-2 classrooms reading books with some of our favorite characters. 3-6th students are learning how to access e books and put library books on hold.


Students in grades 1-6 are working on projects and Spanish related to their particular topic.

The following are Grade levels and their topics during LTC. (1st) seasons, (2nd) animals and movements, (3rd) ladybugs, (4th) weather /clothing meteorology, (5th) neighborhood /houses, (6th) planets/earth.

Physical Education

In PE, students in grades K-6 have been working on their fitness and learning about Safety, Getting Along with Others, Nutrition, and Wellness.