We are starting our fiction unit focusing on learning about character development in a story.
Home/School Connection
Ask your child what small moment story they have decided to share.
Share a favorite TV or movie character, how do they act? What are they like?
What are we learning?
We have been learning about even and odd numbers, prime and composite numbers and reviewing factors and multiples.
We are beginning our unit on benchmark fractions and decimals.
AAP math is focusing on conversion of numbers between decimals, fractions and percentages. We will apply our understanding to some practical uses of these types of numbers.
Home/School Connection
Ask your child the difference between a prime and composite number.
Ask your child to identify real world examples of common fractions and decimals
Challenge your child to convert those common fractions to decimals and decimals to fractions
What are we learning?
We will learn about the Experimental Design Process and then we will begin our first exciting unit “ Landforms”
Home/School Connection
Develop a list of great science questions
Think about the process of conducting an experiment
Social Studies
What are we learning?
We have been learning about the essential elements of all cultures
AAP also studied the elements of a system and we will look at several upcoming units through the lens of systems
Home/School Connection
Ask your child to share about an imaginary culture they helped create and the elements of that culture.