4th Grade Newsletter

April 27, 2021

By 4th Grade Team
4th Grade
April 27, 2021

Language Arts

What are we learning?

We will be completing our research unit! Throughout the unit we will…

  • Understand the research process
  • Understand how curiosity and knowledge drive research
  • Understand that published research represents current understanding which continues to develop based on new discoveries
  • Understand that concepts are constructed through a variety of actions and interactions with others
  • Engage in inquiry to ask and seek questions to compelling questions
  • Synthesize information across multiple texts and experiences in order to construct understandings
  • Collaborate and discuss to seek new ideas or clarify unresolved questions

Home/School Connection

  • How do researchers use their curiosity to guide their research?
  • Why did you pick your research topic?
  • How does curiosity and knowledge help the researcher gain a deeper understanding of the topic?
  • How can published research drive our research?
  • What implications does my research have on our changing world?
  • What work do you do as a researcher?
  • What was something you did during your research that made you proud today?
  • What questions do you still have about your topic?


What are we learning?

We will begin our Fractions Part 2 unit! In this unit we will…

  • Represent rational numbers (whole numbers, fractions, and decimals) in multiple ways (visually, symbolically, verbally, contextually, and physically)
  • Understand the meanings of the operations using fractions and decimals
  • Explore strategies for computation of fractions and decimals
  • Find patterns that are found in numbers
  • Estimate the sum or difference of two fractions
  • Determine common denominators for fractions using common multiples
  • Simplify fractions using common multiples and factors
  • Add and subtract proper and improper fractions and mixed numbers
  • Solve single-step problems involving addition and subtraction within fractions

Home/School Connection

  • How can estimation help you solve problems?
  • How can benchmark fractions be used to help determine answers?
  • How can representations help you solve computing fractions?
  • How do you compute fractions without representations?
  • Word Problems (you can substitute other numbers):
    • David had ¼ of a burrito. His brother give him another ¼ of a burrito. How much burrito did David have then?
    • Anna ate ⅛ of a pizza. Sarah ate ⅜ of a pizza. How much pizza did they eat together?
    • Melissa is making cookies. One recipe calls for ¾ of a cup of water. Another recipe calls for ½ cup of water. How much water will Melissa need for both types of cookies?
    • Jenn used ⅖ pounds of clay to make an animal figure. She used 6/10 pounds of clay to make a bowl. How much clay did she use in all?
    • Connor ate ½ burrito. His brother ate ⅓ burrito. How much of the burrito did the brothers eat?


What are we learning?

  • We’re looking at the relationship of the Earth, moon, and sun in the solar system and to each other.
  • We’ll find how they lead to seasons, tides, and the phases of the moon.

Home/School Connection

  • Ask them to identify the phase the moon is in now.
  • Make Oreo representations of the moon by eating the “stuffing” and creating a moon phase chart!
  • Why does the moon cause high and low tides?
  • Discuss whether the Earth goes around the sun, if not, why does the sun “rise and set”?

Social Studies

What are we learning?

We will be beginning our Reconstruction unit! In this unit we will…

  • Identify the effects of Reconstruction in Virginia
  • Explore the impact of the expanded rights of African Americans on life in VIrginia, including the impact on Virginia’s government
  • Identify the effects of segregation and “Jim Crow” on life in Virginia for American Indians, whites, and African Americans
  • Constructing an understanding to analyze the enduring legacy of racial discrimination on life in Virginia today
  • Describe the importance of railroads, new industries, and the growth of cities to Virginia’s economic development
  • Examine Virginia’s economic development through the les of diverse Virginians, including the experiences and perspectives of African Americans and Native Peoples

Home/School Connection

  • What did freedom mean to Virginians after the Civil War?
  • Has the United States achieved equal rights for all?
  • How can individuals stop injustice in society? How have famous persons in this unit stopped injustices in society?
  • How does the history of racial injustice shape life in Virginia?
  • What does it mean to be free?
  • What does it mean to be oppressed?
  • What is the 13th amendment? (Abolished slavery and involuntary servitude)
  • What is the 14th amendment? (Define citizenship and granted “equal protection” of the Constitution to former slaves)
  • What does the 15th amendment say? (guarantees a citizen’s right to vote would not be denied on “account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude”)

Positivity Project

  • This week’s character strength is Connection/Purpose. 
  • This means to have beliefs about the meaning of life and your life’s purpose. You seek to be part of something greater than yourself.
  • Having a strong sense of purpose allows individuals to better access their perseverance and courage in difficult times.
  • A common sense of purpose can bring a group together and create connection.

Online Learning Tip

Make sure to have all of your students’ supplies ready at the beginning of the day. This way your student will not miss instruction going to get a pencil, white board, or other supplies. Maybe use a small bin to hold all these supplies. This way your student can grab the bin and be ready for their school day!

Click here to see what students are learning in Specials!