2nd Grade Back to School Night
We will have a Q&A session via Zoom on Monday, September 20 from 5:00-5:30 pm. Please look for the link in an email to come.
Daily Schedule
Read at least 20 minutes each night
Responsive Classroom
- Fosters a safe and positive learning environment
- Children feel free to take risks in learning
- Integrates social and academic curriculum
- Use specific teacher language to empower students to take care of themselves and others
- Logical Consequences- respectful, relevant and realistic
- Building a strong relationship is a priority so we really KNOW your child and know what will motivate him/her
- Ongoing assessments so we know EXACTLY what each child needs
- Workshop model allows for differentiation
- Focus on building critical thinking skills, communicating math ideas, developing flexibility and fluency with numbers
- Differentiation using Math Workshop structure
- Students will continue to use ST Math
Language Arts
- Goal: to develop independent, strategic readers, writers and thinkers who engage in authentic reading and writing experiences
- Targeted instruction based on strengths/needs of each student
- Phonics/Word Study as a class and in differentiated guided reading groups
Authentic Reading and Writing experiences
- Students engaging in authentic reading and writing experiences
- Reading Workshop: Purposeful Independent Reading, Partner Reading/Talking about Reading, Word Study, Sharing
- Writing Workshop: Independent Writing, Strategy Groups, Conferences, Sharing
Social Studies
- Rights and Responsibilities
- Continents and Oceans
- U.S. Geography
- National Holidays
- Powhatan of the Eastern Woodlands • Lakota of the Plains • Pueblo of the Southwest
- European Exploration
- Economics:
- Famous Americans
- Development and Innovations in the U.S
- Hands-on, inquiry-based investigations and critical thinking activities in and outside classroom
- Students apply scientific process skills: observing, predicting, inferring, classifying
- We will work like scientists as we study the following units: Matter and Magnets, Weather, Butterflies, Plants and Animals
We will use Schoology and Zoom
We will be using digital platforms and resources to further support our classroom instruction.
Students will receive grades based on a numeric level (1,2,3 and 4).
4-Student CONSISTENTLY demonstrates concepts and skills of standard taught this quarter.
3-USUALLY demonstrates concepts and skills of standard taught this quarter.
The whole second grade team values an open communication with all of you and we welcome you to contact us if you have any questions or concerns. Email is the best method to reach us and we will respond within 24 hours during the school week.
We will also be sending out our newsletters on a bi-monthly basis.