1st Grade Newsletter

January 12, 2021

By 1st Grade Team
1st Grade
January 12, 2021

Language Arts

What are we learning?

Learning About Nonfiction

  • Use photographs, illustrations, and text to build their understanding and teach others about a topic.
  • Use multiple sources of information in order to solve, monitor, self-correct, and confirm.
  • Use known words and word parts to solve new words.
  • Notice a range of punctuation and dialogue to reflect meaning through phrasing.

Home/School Connection

  • Read a story. Draw a picture of a character in the story.
  • Read a book. Write down words you do not know. Discuss these words with your family.
  • Try to guess the ingredients in your dinner each night.


What are we learning?

Counting and Number Part 2

  • Count forward orally by ones to 110, starting at any number between 0 and 110.
  •  Write the numerals 0 to 110 in sequence and out-of-sequence.
  • Count backward orally by ones when given any number between 1 and 30.
  • Count forward orally by ones, twos, fives, and tens to determine the total number of objects to 110.
  • Group a collection of up to 110 objects into tens and ones and write the corresponding numeral to develop an understanding of place value.
  • Given up to 110 objects, compare two numbers between 0 and 110 represented pictorially or with concrete objects, using the words greater than, less than or equal to.

**Students will learn about Money during asynchronous instruction with provided digital resources**

Home/School Connection

  • Count the change you have in a piggy bank or draw a picture of a piggy bank with coins to count.
  • Think of a common game (ex. Go fish, memory, bingo, etc.) Create a math fact game.
  • Make place value riddles and solve them. Example: This number has 4 hundreds, 5 tens, and less ones than tens. What number could it be?
  • Write your own story problems and solve them. Example: Bob found 12 shells. Then he found 5 more shells. How many does he have now?


What are we learning?

Objects may vibrate and produce sound

Home/School Connection

  • Listen to your first graders favorite song. See how many different sounds there are.
  • Find something from nature to make sounds with.
  • Use 1 item to make 3 different sounds.

Social Studies

What are we learning?

The First Virginians: Jamestown

  • Explain the significance of the Jamestown settlement.
  • Understand the perspectives of influential people and their effects on Virginia history:
    • Powhatan
    • Pocahontas
    • Christopher Newport

Home/School Connection

  • Make a nonfiction book about the Powhatan or Jamestown.
  • Create a poster about Pocahontas with 3 facts about her.

Important Dates and Reminders

  • January 18th - Martin Luther King Jr Day (no school)
  • January 20th - Inauguration Day (no school)
  • January 22nd - End of Quarter (2 hour early release)
  • January 25th - Teacher Work Day (no school)

Positivity Project

Click here to see what students are learning in Specials!